Ready-to-Use Assessment Packages
Make Your Business Stand Out from the Crowd
Demonstrate Your Expertise
You’re an expert… so show it! These packaged assessments help your ideal clients to visualize their transformation.
- Save time (and hours of work) by presenting a professional-looking visualization of your offerings and methods
- Generate leads with ease
- Improve your client engagement and communication methods
- Significantly improve your business’ productivity, profitability, and effectiveness at a very low expense
People love to find out more about themselves. By facilitating this with an assessment, you’re taking a powerful first step in attracting potential clients!
Purchase one or more of the below ready-to-use packages for a one-time fee and receive an electronic version of these assessments to share with your clients.
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The questions, score key, and score explanations are all completed and ready to go. Simply add your logo, brand colors, and personalized messages!
Life and Wellness
Business and Entrepreneurship
Career and Executive
Deluxe Package with Bonuses
Life and Wellness Package
The Life and Wellness package includes the following 9 ready-to-use assessments:
1. Do I Know Me?
Test your self-awareness, your identity, and your direction in life.
How well do you know who you really are- your deep values, priorities, interests, fears, beliefs, and hopes? It takes a good deal of work to realize your essence and personal meaning. How far along this process are you? Many of us think we really know ourselves and this may be true to greater or lesser extents.
See how well you really know yourself with this assessment. This questionnaire helps you realize how well you know yourself and where you are heading in life. The results provide you with a clear indication of how far along you currently are in the process of self-knowledge and your personal goals.
2. Relationship Quality Index
Test the strength of your relationship and determine whether it has long-term potential.
This assessment asks you some key questions to determine the strength of your current relationship. This measure can be used with people who are dating or married, but you must currently be in a relationship to complete it. We use the word “partner” to describe your girlfriend/boyfriend, spouse, or significant other. The results let you know whether your relationship has the strength to withstand the ultimate tests of time and stress.
3. Self-Motivation Inventory
People often wonder what makes it hard for them to begin or complete activities and tasks.
Self-motivation is one of many factors that may play a role. It is the desire to reach goals and succeed fueled by your own hopes or dreams, rather than those of somebody else.
Completing this assessment helps you to find out your level of self-motivation, if it is present, and how strongly you possess it. The results let you know if you are likely to be someone who does better with internal or external motivators and rewards.
4. The Right Life Balance
Find out how well you have achieved the balance between life’s many activities.
How good are you at balancing various aspects of your life? Since everything is not equally important in life, it is crucial to have the right balance for you at this point in time. Part of achieving the right balance is knowing your values and priorities so you can allocate more time to those areas when time is limited.
This assessment provides a comprehensive look at finding a balance between work, family, friends, activities, exercise, and time alone. It takes into account what is the right balance for you at this point in time. The results give you an indication of how well you have currently achieved the balance that is right for you right now.
5. Is Now the Time for a Change?
Learn whether or not now is a good time for a big life change.
Is it the right time for you to make the major life change you may have been thinking about? As they say, timing is everything. If you are thinking about making a change but haven’t yet, it may be because you are not sure if you are really ready. There are many factors that go into the decision… gain more clarity into whether now is the right time.
6. Self-Actualization Assessment
Learn how much you are becoming all that you are capable of being. Based on Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs.
Maslow’s hierarchy begins with basic needs, such as biological drives (food, sleep) then moves up various levels to the top of the pyramid, which is self-actualization.
Completing this assessment helps you to find out how far along you are in your hierarchy of needs. The results let you know if you are likely to be more or less self-actualized, and where on the hierarchy of needs you may be currently focused.
7. Stress Coping Skills
Test how well you are actually managing your current stress level.
Everyone has stress. Between worrying about paying your bills, enjoying your social life, problems with work, concerns about family members, day-to-day hassles, and difficult people in your life, there is a lot to be stressed about.
Rather than tell you that you are stressed, this looks at how you are coping with the stressors in your life. The results give you an assessment of how well you are coping, and how healthy your coping strategies are.
8. Who Do You See in the Mirror?
Learn how secure, confident, and healthy your body image is.
The following measure assesses body image and the results indicate your degree of body acceptance. While this assessment does not provide you with any type of diagnosis, the results will give you a clear indication of whether you are likely to experience significant body image disturbances or whether you are likely to have a positive body image. Answer all of the questions as openly and honestly as possible to obtain the most accurate results.
9. Are You the Best Parent You Can Be?
This assessment asks key questions to determine the strength of your current parenting skills and comfort level with being a caregiver for your children.
Find out about some of the methods of the most effective parenting strategies.
Please note: this assessment consists of only 10 questions and the results may not be accurate due to the low number of questions (all of our other assessments have at least 30 questions).
Business and Entrepreneurship Package
The Business and Entrepreneurship package includes the following 6 ready-to-use assessments:
1. Born to be an Entrepreneur
Find out whether you have the personality and behaviors of a born entrepreneur.
There are signs of entrepreneurship that can begin early in life and develop up until the present. If you possess many of these traits, it is likely that entrepreneurship is a good match for you and that if you do not pursue some form of entrepreneurial venture, you may feel incomplete.
This assessment measures those innate personality characteristics that indicate a high likelihood of being a successful entrepreneur. It uses a lifespan approach to look for signs of being destined for entrepreneurship throughout one’s life.
2. How Strong is Your Financial Plan?
Is the financial plan for your business solid or do you have some work to do?
The number one reason for small business failure is financial. Undercapitalization, poor budgeting, and misallocation of resources often lead to small business failures within the first couple of years.
This measure assesses many aspects of a financial plan to see whether you, the business owner, have areas to work on or improve upon. The results will indicate how strong your financial planning currently is and whether it is advised that you start from scratch or get some assistance.
3. Are You Selling or Telling?
Find out how well you are doing at selling effectively without putting your customer off or creating a sense of a “hard” sell.
You may think you just gave the best sales presentation of your life, then end up perplexed about why you did not close the deal.
This questionnaire tells you how well you are doing at selling effectively without putting your customer off or creating a sense of a “hard” sell. The results indicate how strong your sales skills are, and how well you are at connecting and building a relationship with your sales prospects.
4. Run Your Own Business or Keep Your Job?
Have you wondered whether it is your true calling to run your own business?
Have you felt burned out in your job and thought about starting your own company? Are you wondering if being self-employed is a good match for your personality and skills?
This assessment measures those characteristics that are associated with successfully being self-employed. The results give you an indication of whether you are better suited to entrepreneurship or a stable job at this point in time.
5. Focused for Business Success
Find out whether you have that laser-beam focus that leads to small business success.
Small business success depends in large part on the strategic focus of the entrepreneurs or owners who run the business. Many entrepreneurs are scattered between too many things and do not have the focus they need. This inventory tells you how focused you and your business really are.
6. Do You Know Who You Are Marketing To?
How well do you, the entrepreneur, know and market to your ideal target market?
As a small business owner and entrepreneur, it is critical that you know who to market to. Without knowing your ideal market, you cannot strategically invest your limited time, energy, and marketing dollars.
This assessment tells you if you have selected a specific niche market and whether you have found one that seems to be ideal for you. The results will give you an indication if you are well underway with your target market identification, or whether you should go back to the drawing board.
Career and Executive Package
The Career and Executive package includes the following 6 ready-to-use assessments:
1. Career Satisfaction Scale
Do you have a love-hate relationship with your career path? Find out how satisfied you really are.
Everyone wants to feel like they are on the career path that they are meant to be on. It is normal to wonder whether you are on the right track. This assessment lets you know how much you are satisfied with your career situation, whether you may be selling yourself short, and if it seems that you are looking for a change.
2. Conflict Management Measure
How skilled are you at managing and diffusing difficult situations?
The ability to effectively deal with escalating conflicts and tension at work is one of the hallmarks of a strong leader. As someone who is in an executive position with many people reporting to you, this ability to address interpersonal conflict is critical.
This assessment helps you determine whether you are good at diffusing employee tensions, managing conflict, negotiating difficult situations, and easing hostility in employees or customers. Results indicate your relative strengths and weaknesses in these areas.
3. The Inspiration and Influence Index
Find out whether you are currently inspired, and whether you have the ability to influence and inspire others.
Are you someone who is truly motivated? Do you have what it takes to really inspire and motivate others? Do people listen carefully to what you say and want to follow your ideas? Do you truly move people… or do you just think you do?
4. Confident or Conceited
There is a fine line between being confident and being egotistical. Do you come across as self-assured or self-absorbed?
Do you know if you come across as self-assured or arrogant? Many of us think that we are appearing confident, and instead we are appearing conceited to others. Take this assessment to find out how others may perceive you.
5. The Delegation and Empowerment Profile
Do you have the ability to empower and delegate effectively and efficiently?
Delegation is an invaluable skill in an executive or leadership role. Effective delegating is a true combination of art and science. The scoring in this assessment tells you how strong your delegation skills are and/or what areas you may need to work on.
6. Test Your Leadership Potential
Are you a born leader who can naturally motivate and influence others?
Many leadership characteristics can be learned with time and experience. Some people are born leaders. There are several keys to strong leadership abilities.
Take this assessment to find out how strong the leader in you is. The results tell you whether you have what it takes naturally, or whether you could work on learning some more leadership skills.
Deluxe Assessment Package
with 4 Exclusive Bonus Assessments
This package includes a total of 25 ready-to-use assessments.
All assessments from our other packages are included:
- Life and Wellness (9 assessments)
- Business and Entrepreneurship (6 assessments)
- Career and Executive (6 assessments)
In addition, you receive these 4 exclusive BONUS assessments:
1. Are You a Natural-Born Coach? ($100 Value: FREE)
Based on psychological principles, this 50-question test determines if you possess the right skills, abilities, and talents to be an effective coach. This is not your usual generic quiz! Instead, this 50-question assessment looks beyond the simple characteristics of being a good coach.
2. The REAL Coachability Test ($100 Value: FREE)
A 50-question assessment based on psychological principles of being coachable. This is not your usual generic coachability quiz, but instead, it contains 50 questions that allow you to look deeper into the personality to find out how successful a client will be in being coached.
3. Do You Have What It Takes to Become a 6-Figure Coach? ($100 Value: FREE)
This 57-question assessment is based on the characteristics of successful service businesses and coaching entrepreneurs. It lets your respondent know whether he/she has what it takes to be a 6-figure coach. The results also provides an analysis of business and marketing skills as well as motivation, attitude, and mindset.
4. Do You Have What It Takes to Become a 6 or 7-Figure Entrepreneur? ($100 Value: FREE)
This 57-question assessment is based on the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs. It lets respondents know whether they have what it takes to be a business owner earning an income of 6- or 7 figures annually.
Our Assessment Experts
These packaged assessments were designed in collaboration with Milana Leshinsky, the founder of Coaching Genie, and Dr. Larina Kase, a doctor of Psychology, a graduate of Cornell University, and an executive and entrepreneurs’ coach.
This comprehensive collection of assessments is designed specifically for coaches to use with their clients.
Larina Kase
Doctor of Psychology President of Performance and Success Coaching
Larina Kase, PsyD, MBA, is a psychologist and business coach specializing in the reduction of anxiety and stress in the workplace.
She worked with the renowned Center for the Treatment and Study of Anxiety at the University of Pennsylvania. She helps business owners and executives across the United States and Canada to overcome workplace worries and excel in their jobs.
Her work is regularly featured in media like the New York Times, Entrepreneur Magazine, and Inc. Magazine.
Milana Leshinsky
Founder of Coaching Genie
Milana Leshinsky is an entrepreneur, business strategist, and a marketing mentor to coaches, authors, and speakers.
She is the founder of Coaching Genie, whose mission is to help entrepreneurs succeed and grow while keeping their businesses simple.
Milana has built her million-dollar coaching business from home part-time while raising her two children. She’s also the creator of Recurring Revenue Revolution, author of “Coaching Millions,” co-founder of JV Insider Circle, and inventor of Telesummit.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Each assessment package comes with a complete 30-day satisfaction guarantee. If you are not 100% happy, contact us, and we will send you a full refund.
Terms and Conditions
These assessments have been made available to enhance your coaching practice. You can use them with clients by sending them a file or placing the assessment on your website. You can charge clients a fee for taking the assessments, but you are not permitted to sell them to other coaches as a product. If offering assessments as a bonus in another product or service, no more than two assessments can be included in any given offer.
If you wish to provide these assessments using Agolix, you must purchase an Agolix subscription. The active assessment limits on each plan (shown on our pricing page) apply to purchased coaching assessments.
Note: These instruments are intended for information-gathering and marketing purposes only. They are content valid based on literature review, but additional validity and reliability metrics have not been established.
Should you choose to make any of these assessments available freely on your website, you must place the following copyright notice below it: “Copyright ©2024 Assessment Generator Inc. d/b/a Agolix. Duplication and distribution are strictly prohibited without the authors’ express written permission. All Rights Reserved.”
Let’s preserve the uniqueness and exclusivity of these assessments together. A link to this website is appreciated, but not required. Please contact us with any questions or concerns.