Our Values

We are more than just a software company.

We all want to create better lives for ourselves, our families, and our customers and we should all be able to do that. We all deserve a chance at the life we want to lead. Agolix® supports equitable access to opportunity for all people.

Diversity and Inclusion

This is what diversity and inclusion means to us.

As world travelers, we have seen the humanity of people globally and firmly believe that everyone should have opportunities to thrive. We have fallen in love with people and places on our journeys and in broadening our horizons, we realized we want to expand opportunities for people of every language, culture, religion, of every skin color, age, and ability. It’s the right thing to do. 

Opening Doors For Everyone

We are pleased to welcome business owners from diverse backgrounds and stand ready to support you with high-quality technology as you pursue your dreams. Agolix fast tracks lead generation and qualification, helping people of all abilities and ancestry grow their business more efficiently. Making people feel welcome is important to us.

We Speak Your Language

Agolix can be used in any language that you can have a keyboard for, which lets you reach out and connect with people in the language of your choice. Your respondents don’t have to speak English to be able to take assessments that work. Come as you are and measure what you need to.  

Connecting Communities

Agolix’s Assessment Generator® has been used to connect communities of faith in a time where learning face to face is more challenging. Our assessments have been used so faith community members can grow in their beliefs from afar. We believe in bringing people together. 

We work and grow together

Keeping People Safe

During a global pandemic, people who are already facing health challenges are at higher risk of transmission when assessments are completed in person. A person’s health isn’t just about the choices they’ve made, it’s also about the opportunities they have been given and the conditions they were raised in and we call those factors “social determinants of health.” Socioeconomic factors shape our health and remote assessment helps support equity for people with wellness challenges.

Agolix helps keep people safe by allowing for remote assessments, protecting candidates and hiring managers. You don’t have to risk getting sick to get a job and you don’t have to miss out on a job if you already have a disability.  We want to keep people as healthy as possible and support the workforce participation of people with disabilities. 

Family-Friendly Future

Finding childcare to take part in assessments can be a challenge. Assessment software you can do anywhere takes away one barrier in the hiring process to allow your organization to welcome in parents who might otherwise struggle to balance their caregiving responsibilities with their career aspirations. We want people to be able to support their families without leaving them behind to be assessed. 

Recognizing Diverse Life Experiences

Access to formal education has been an issue for historically marginalized groups. Agolix allows you to test for competencies in a way that recognizes prior learning that doesn’t necessarily look like a traditional college degree. We want to recognize the credentials that come from the school of life. 

Values infographic for mobile devices

Helping The Helpers

Our assessments let people empathize, organize and mobilize. From K to 12 educators to NGOs in Australia, India, and South Africa, Agolix helps the helpers who are working hard on the world’s to-do list. We’ve supported a variety of mission-driven organizations to help them reach their goals.

Our assessments can be used to perform needs assessments, make sure the right resources get to the right places within communities that are struggling and identify barriers to things like workforce participation so solutions can be developed. We want to help people who help people. 

Investing in Inclusion

In our personal lives, we invest in inclusion, supporting organizations like Color of Change and Fair Fight. We’ve invested in education to become more inclusive in our business. We’ve put our money where our heart is. 

Include all abilities and talents

A Plan For Growth

As our small and mighty team grows, we will be looking to share opportunities to join our team to access talent wherever they live, advertising in more places outside of the mainstream. We want to attract the best people and we need to get in front of them with our jobs, wherever they are. We want the best people helping our people.

We are more than just a software company. We are a connection point, a community, a resource library, and a way forward that honors people with a wide range of experiences, challenges, and gifts to share with the world. 

We believe in inclusion and you are welcome here. 

Ready To Get Started?