API: Stands for Application Programming Interface. A way for two software apps to talk to each other automatically. Agolix offers two types of APIs. The popular Zapier app lets you connect your assessment to hundreds of other apps without coding. Or, with the Webhook integration API, you can connect your assessment directly to an API Endpoint that you or your web developer create on your website.
Access Codes: A security feature that protects assessments by requiring a unique code to take an assessment. See also Digital Access Codes.
Active Assessment: An active assessment is shared and ready for respondents to complete and get their results. You can activate or deactivate any assessment at any time. When you deactivate an assessment, it is not deleted; it simply goes on hold. You can reactivate that assessment at any time in the future. Different plans support a different number of active assessments.
Assessment: An assessment is a tool used to classify, judge, or evaluate. An assessment created with Agolix is a series of questions presented to a respondent. Responses to those questions are used to generate an evaluation which is provided to the author of the assessment and optionally to the respondent.
Automatic Scoring: The software assigns how many points go in each Score Band. In a Simple assessment, the total possible points are divided by the number of Score Bands; so if your assessment has 100 points and 4 Score Bands, each band covers 25 points. In a Type and Multi-type assessment, the software does the same for each Score Band within each Type. Different from Manual Scoring, where you assign the number of points in each Score Band.
Binary Question: A question answered by picking one of two choices that are often opposites, such as Yes/No or True/False.
Checkbox Question: A question answered by checking a box or leaving it blank.
Conditional Branching: A feature that helps you create dynamic assessments by setting conditions to show or hide some questions. See also Skip Logic and Conditional logic.
Conditional Logic: A feature that helps you create dynamic assessments by setting conditions to show or hide some questions. See also Skip Logic and Conditional branching.
CRM: Stands for Customer Relationship Management. A type of software used to manage customer information such as name, company, phone number, email address, etc. Some popular CRM apps include ActiveCampaign, ConvertKit, Hubspot, Infusionsoft, MailChimp, and many others.
CRM integration: A connection between your CRM software and another app. You can integrate Agolix with your chosen CRM software through Zapier without any coding.
CSV file: Stands for Comma-Separated Values. A CSV file is a text file with a comma between each value and the next value. You can open a CSV file with a spreadsheet such as Excel or Google Sheets. In Agolix, you can export the responses to your assessment as a CSV file.
Default: A factory setting in a software app. If you don’t change it, the app will use the default setting. For example, if you create a Simple assessment in Agolix, Automatic Scoring is set by default.
Digital Access Codes: A security feature that protects assessments by requiring a unique code to take an assessment. See also Access Codes.
Drop-down Question: A question that allows you to select an answer from a drop-down list. You can create a custom list or choose from 3 pre-made lists available in the editor. (Countries, US States, or Canadian Provinces). Drop-down questions cannot be assigned points or Types. They can be assigned to Sections.
Dynamic content: Content that changes based on a respondent’s answers, such as the score interpretation. The opposite of Static Content.
Embed: To place your assessment on your website. With Agolix, you can embed your assessment on any page on your website using an iframe. See iframe.
Encrypt: Turning information into indecipherable text so that unauthorized people can’t read it.
HTML: Stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. The standard language used to code all web pages. The assessments you create with Agolix are all coded in HTML, and you can use HTML on them. But you don’t have to learn any HTML to build an assessment.
Identifier: A tag used to identify a question or a type. In Agolix, you can provide an optional identifier for a question, then in your report you can dynamically insert the respondent’s answer to that question using a merge code that refers to the identifier. See Merge Code.
iframe: Stands for Inline FRAME. An HTML element that can embed one webpage inside another. With Agolix, you can use an iframe to embed your assessment on any page on your website, so your visitors can take your assessment without leaving your site.
Learning Management System (LMS): A software application used to plan and assess a specific learning process. Examples of apps available are Thinkific, Teachable, Canvas, Moodle, Blackboard, and more.
Likert Scale: A way to measure the intensity of a respondent’s opinion or perception. In Agolix, you can use a Scale Question as a Likert Scale. You would likely label the ends of the scale “Never/Always” or “Agree Strongly/Disagree Strongly” or “None/A Lot.” Also called a Sliding Scale.
Manual Scoring: You set the values for your Score Ranges however you like. For example, you can have High, Medium, and Low Score Bands and set the Score Range for each Score Band. Different from Automatic Scoring. See Score Band and Score Range.
Membership Portal: A webpage for program members to easily and securely access important information, usually via a username and password.
Merge Code: A placeholder used to insert dynamic content. For example, when creating your report in Agolix, you can use the ###DATE### merge code to insert the date the assessment was completed.
Multi-Type Assessment: An assessment that rates a respondent in several types or categories. You can label these Types however you like. Based on the respondent’s answers, you can show them their score interpretation for each Type. Different from a Simple Assessment that shows one overall score to each respondent. Also different from a Type Assessment that assigns a respondent to one of several categories.
Narrative Question: A question answered with free-form text (words and sentences).
Numeric Question: A question answered with a number.
Options Question: A question answered by choosing from a list of possible answers. Also called multiple-choice.
Page: A group of questions shown together on the screen. You decide how many questions to show per Page. Pages control how your questions are shown to respondents, but not their score. See Section.
Paywall: A system that prevents visitors from accessing certain web content without paying. You can set up a paywall for an assessment using third-party software such as a WordPress plug-in or LMS software like Teachable or Thinkific. Then you can embed your assessment on that platform so that visitors must pay to access it.
PDF File: Stands for Portable Document Format. A popular type of file that looks the same on different devices and platforms. In Agolix, you can send your respondents PDFs that are easy for them to open and print.
Question Formats: Different question formats that are answered in different ways. In Agolix, you can pose a question in any of these formats:
- Binary (yes/no or true/false)
- Checkbox (check a box)
- Drop-down (select from a list)
- Generate with AI (create Options and/or Scale questions using AI)
- Narrative (free-form text)
- Numeric (number)
- Options (multiple choice)
- Ranking (arrange in order)
- Scale (never to always or very much to very little)
- Validation (answer in proper format, such as an email address)
You can use a mix of different question formats in the same assessment.
Question Identifier: A way to refer to the response to a question in other parts of the assessment, for example, in the results or the Zapier API calls.
Ranking Question: A question answered by arranging a list of items according to your preference. In Agolix, this question format is only available in Type and Multi-type assessments, not Simple Assessments.
Respondent: Someone who fills in an assessment.
Scale Question: A question answered by choosing a number on a scale. You can label either end of the scale however you like. The most common scales are 1 to 5, 1 to 7, and 1 to 10, with end labels like “Never/Always” or “Agree Strongly/Disagree Strongly” or “None/A Lot.” See Likert Scale and Sliding Scale.
Score Band: A range of scores used to group similar respondents in your results. You can set up any number of Score Bands. For example, many assessments use three score bands: High, Medium, and Low. You can provide different feedback to the respondents in each group. See Score Range.
Score Interpretation: Tailored feedback sent to a respondent based on their score. In Agolix, you can create a different interpretation for each Score Band. See Score Band and Score Range.
Score Range: The range of points covered by each Score Band. For example, in an assessment with 100 points and three Score Bands, you can set the Score Ranges as Low from 0 to 33, Medium from 34 to 66, and High from 67 to 100. See Score Band.
Section: A group of questions shown together on the screen. You decide how many Sections you want and give each Section a different name. Then you assign each Question to a certain Section. Sections control how your questions are shown to respondents, but not their score. See Page.
Simple Assessment: An assessment that provides respondents with an overall score based on their answers. Different from a Type or Multi-type Assessment that provides a score for every Type or category.
Skip Logic: A feature that helps you create dynamic assessments by setting conditions to show or hide some questions. See also Conditional branching and Conditional logic.
Sliding Scale: A way to measure the intensity of a respondent’s opinion or perception. In Agolix, you can use a Scale Question as a Sliding Scale. You would likely label the ends of the scale “More Likely” and “Less Likely” or “Agree Strongly” and “Disagree Strongly.” Also called Likert Scale. See Scale Question.
Static content: Content that stays the same no matter how a respondent answers, such as a report title or footer. The opposite of dynamic content.
Subdomain: Part of a web domain name used for different content or services. For example, in www.survey.yourdomainhere.com “survey” is the subdomain.
Target question: A question that may be skipped based on the response to a trigger question as part of Conditional Logic.
Trigger question: The question whose chosen response may cause other questions to be skipped as part of Conditional Logic.
Type: A category or group where you assign someone based on their answers to an assessment. For example, in a Type Assessment, you can tell a respondent they are either a Cat Person or a Dog Person. Or, with a Multi-type assessment, you can show their score for each Type based on the Score Bands you create. For example, a person could be Low (8 out of 50) for Cat Person and Medium (31 out of 50) for Dog Person.
Type Assessment: An assessment that assigns a respondent to one of several types (or categories). You can label these Types however you like. Based on the respondent’s answers, you can show them their score for each Type or just show their highest (or lowest) scoring Type. Different from a Simple Assessment that shows one overall score to each respondent. Also different from a Multi-type Assessment that rates a respondent in each of several categories.
Type Description: Feedback sent to a respondent corresponding to each type in an assessment. Only pertains to Type and Multi-type assessments.
URL: Stands for Uniform Resource Locator. The address for any specific webpage, such as https://agolix.com/user-guide/
Validation question: A question that must be answered in a specific format. For example, for the Validation Question, “What is your email address?” the software checks to make sure the answer is given in the proper format for an email address.
Webhook integration API: A way to link one software app to another using a unique web address (URL). In Agolix, you can use this API to create a REST Webhook and send respondent data directly to an API Endpoint created on your website by you or your web developer. More complicated than using Zapier. See API.
Zapier integration: A popular way to exchange information between two software apps. With Agolix, you can use Zapier to connect your assessments to your chosen apps such as ActiveCampaign, Kajabi, MailChimp, and many others. Simpler than using Webhook integration. See API.
Please review the rest of the User Guide to learn more about our software.
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