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Set Up Respondent Registration Options

Navigate to the Results Tab #

Start by entering the Agolix editor.

First, select the “Edit” link in the menu underneath your assessment.

Edit assessment

Then click on the “Results” tab at the top of the page.

Assessment Results Tab

The “Results” page settings affect how respondents receive their assessment results.

Select Your Respondent Registration Options #

The first section is for “Respondent Registration Options.” Here you can decide if or when you require respondents to register when taking your assessment.

Respondent Registration Options

There are three options from which to choose:

  1. Choose the first option if you do not want respondents to register when taking your assessment.
  2. With the second option, you can request that respondents enter their contact information before they take your assessment.
  3. Choose the third option when you want respondents to enter their contact information after completing your assessment and before receiving their results.

 Notice that some of the other fields for this section change depending on which of these 3 options you choose.

Bypass the Registration Page (by Sending Respondent Info to Your Assessment) #

If you have a respondent who is already logged into your site, you can allow them to complete your assessment without entering their name and email address again on the assessment.

Provide the respondent with a link to your assessment containing URL parameters that include their email address and, optionally, their name, like this:

Note the extra parameters added to the assessment URL:

assessment URL parameters

When someone clicks on that link, their name (“Test Respondent”) and their email address (“”) will be recorded in your Agolix account with their response, but they will not have to enter that information when completing the assessment.

NOTE: Be sure to leave the Respondent Registration Options set to Request contact information before or after completing the assessment. The contact information form won’t be shown, but this setting is necessary to ensure that the information is recorded.

You can continue to use your assessment link without the additional parameters. If they’re absent, the assessment will request contact information as usual.

Filter Respondent Email Addresses #

If you would like to restrict the domains of respondent email addresses, you can enable the “Filter Respondent Emails” setting:

Filter Respondent Email Addresses

When you click the “Email Filtering” button, the “Email Filter Editor” will open to specify the specific domains you want to allow or reject.

For example, if you want only to allow respondents to register using their business email address, you can specify only to allow responses from that domain:

Allow Specific Domains

Conversely, if you’d instead like to prevent respondents from registering using specific email address domains, you can specify that:

Reject Specific Domains

You may also specify an error message to show if the respondent enters an email address that is rejected by the filter. If you leave the error message blank a default message will be shown.

Allow People to Take Your Assessment Multiple Times #

Next, you can decide whether to allow each person to take your assessment more than once.

Allow multiple responses per respondent

The default setting is to allow each person to take your assessment an unlimited number of times.

When you uncheck this box, each respondent will only be able to complete your assessment 1 time with their email address.

NOTE: Disabling this setting will affect your ability to test your assessment multiple times with the same email address. We recommend enabling this setting while testing your assessment. 

Request / Require First and Last Names #

When you request respondents to enter their contact information, they will always be asked for their email addresses.

You can also choose to request or require their first and last names.

Request Respondent Name

When you request either the first or last name of your respondent, you will also be given the option to require the entry of each field.

When you require either of those fields, the respondent must fill in the required fields to receive their assessment results.

Enter Your Respondent Registration Request #

When requesting respondents to enter their contact information, you will see the following field where you can make that request in your own words.

Assessment Respondent Registration Page

Click the “Edit” link (or anywhere in this box) to enter your text.

Registration Page Editor Window

Then click the “Save” button when you are done.

Edit Your Privacy Notice #

The following field is a notice to provide your respondents with info regarding your business’s privacy policy.

Respondents must check a box next to this message to comply with international data privacy laws when submitting their contact information. (Learn more about that here).

NOTE: This notice is required to legally collect any EU citizen’s contact information, as stipulated in the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). If you opt not to include a link to your privacy policy, then a link to agolix’s privacy policy will appear on the registration page instead.

We’ve provided some words you can use or change the notice as desired.

Privacy Policy Message

 Save Your Changes #

Be sure to click the “Save” button to save your changes.


Please review the rest of the User Guide to learn more about our software.

Thank you for choosing Agolix!