Configure Emailed Results

Edit Emailed Results #

On the “Results” tab, select the checkbox next to By Email and click on the “Edit Emailed Results” button.

Edit Emailed Results

The “Email Results Setup” editor window will open on your screen.

Add Introductory Content #

The options available here are similar to those for the on-screen results, but there are some key differences.

Email Results Setup Window

First, you may want to personalize the greeting with the respondent’s first name when adding your introductory email text.

NOTE: To include your respondent’s name, you must have the “Request Respondent Name During Registration” field enabled on the “Results” page. See Setting Up Respondent Registration Options for more details.


Avoid including videos in your emailed results, as it can negatively affect email deliverability. It’s best to stick with text and images to ensure that your respondents receive their results.

Edit Email Subject #

You can also edit the subject line for the results email message sent to your respondents. The subject will, by default, be “Your Results For [assessment name].” Enter your subject line in this field to override the default setting:

Results Email Subject Line

Dynamic Content Settings #

Next, you have several options from which to choose for the emailed results. These settings determine how dynamic content is included in the results email message.

Dynamic Assessment Result Settings

Show Numeric Scores #

Show the numeric score for a Simple assessment (or scores for a Type or Multi-type assessment).

Show Chart in Results #

Show a graphical representation of the scores. A gauge chart for Simple assessments is shown, while the chart format for Type and Multi-type assessments is configured on the Types tab.

Show Questions and Responses #

Show all the questions in your assessment and your respondent’s response to each question.

Include Question Notes #

When “Show questions and responses” is enabled, also show the question notes in the assessment results.

Include Buttons to Share Assessment Results on Facebook / Twitter #

Add a button so respondents can share their assessment results on Facebook and Twitter.

Show the Sum of Scores for All Types #

With Type and Multi-type assessments, this setting provides an option to include the sum of all scores.

Include a PDF Report in the Results #

Add a download link for the PDF report in the respondent’s emailed results.

Score Interpretation & Type Description Options #

Simple Assessments #

Next, for Simple assessments, you can decide which score interpretations are shown to the respondents.

Show Score Interpretation Text

The default setting shows only the score interpretation for the score range corresponding to the respondent’s score.

However, you can choose to show the interpretation for ALL score ranges or opt not to show any.

Type Assessments #

For Type assessments, you can determine which type descriptions are shown to respondents.

Show Type Description

Multi-Type Assessments #

For Multi-type assessments, you can show the corresponding score interpretations for all types based on each respondent’s score.

Show Score Interpretations for Types

Concluding Text #

At the bottom of the page is an editor window for some concluding or additional explanatory text.

Assessment Results Concluding Text

This is a great place to link your website and contact information and offer a call to action (CTA). You may also want to add a personal touch by including a signature section for your email concluding text.

Save Your Changes #

Click the “Save” button to return to the “Results” page.


Please review the rest of the User Guide to learn more about our software.

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